Plastic Development Group

Unmatched Quality, Unbeatable Prices

For all of us at PDG, these aren’t just four random words. They sum up the commitment we’ve had from the very beginning to each and every one of our customers, who have allowed us to continue to grow and evolve.

We are nimble, innovative, and constantly striving to deliver a quality product at the best price on the market. We will never lose sight of this goal; it’s the very least our customers deserve.

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The Leader in Growth via Complete Value Delivery

While PDG’s core business is folding furniture, in just a few short years the company has expanded into an eclectic array of products, simply because our customers recognize the value and service we provide, and they trust us to deliver it at the best possible prices.


May 2013

PDG sells its first table to Dollar General.


October 2013

Menards awards its Folding Furniture Program to PDG.


September 2014

Target awards its folding furniture program to PDG.


Michigan Roots, Global Reach

PDG is a Michigan-based company with a presence throughout the United States and Canada, with a global office in China to enhance our sourcing and manufacturing capabilities.

November 2014

PDG moves into its current headquarters in Southfield, MI.

March 2016

PDG opens its global office in China.

Partner with us

Contact us today to get our high quality plastic products on your store shelves.